"A Bryce Summer — Tutorial"
or "How to fix you up a nice summer with Bryce in 30 easy steps"

by Jean-Pierre Lapointe & Denis Vallée, Technologies Optim Inc.
(c) Copyright 1998, Technologies Optim Inc.

Step 25

Now we animate the water!

It is important to determine the length of your animation. For the needs of this tutorial, we will choose 10 seconds.

Select your infinite water plane. Move the “Scrub Time” cursor to 10 seconds.

Scrub Time cursor

With the down arrow key, move the water place five units along the Z axis.


Step 26

Then we animate the waterfall texture so that the water... falls! Click the “Edit Materials” button and choose “Box” from the “Preview Options” menu.

Preview Options menu


Step 27

Click on the “Editor” button (left of “eau de chute”).

Edit waterfall animation

Click on the “+” button (Add key frame) and, if the “Scrub Time” cursor is not already positioned at 10 seconds, drag it to 10 seconds. Increase the “Offset Control” to 120 along the Y axis. Create a new keyframe by clicking on the “+” button.

Offset control


Step 28

Drag the “Scrub Time” cursor back to zero and bring back the Y offset to zero, then click the checkmark.

Save your project!

Step 29

Spice up your scene with trees, flowers and rocks at your taste. Then add a smooth flying path to the camera.

Save your project!

Step 30

Render, add sounds and enjoy a nice Bryce Summer!


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